Welcome to the Connection Section

A happy place for all. This is a place where you can find advice,memes,and motivational quotes.

Motivational Quotes

  • Motivatinal Quote #1: Everyday is a chance to do the things you did not do yesterday
  • Motivatinal Quote #2: If you ever feel worthless remember you have the most valuble thing in existence, LIFE.
  • Motivatinal Quote #3: In order to love others , you must first love yourself. Remember the importance of the relationship you have for yourself
  • Motivatinal Quote #4: Never in history will there be another you. Take pride in yourself and your individuality.
  • Motivatinal Quote #5: You are the creator of your reality so remember to make your reality what you want it to be.
  • Motivatinal Quote #6: Whenever you feel like giving up remember the reasons why you started.

Advice Column:

One of our followers on instagram recently contacted us. She was asking us how to be confident. To answer her question. Confidence starts with you. It is simply self love and appreciation. Self love begins with taking care if yourself mind,body,and soul. Once that happiness is on the inside it does not take long to appear in the outside.

Advice Quotes


  • Advice #1: If you ever feel worthless remember you have the most valuble thing in existence, LIFE.
  • Advice #2: In order to love others , you must first love yourself. Remember the importance of the relationship you have for yourself
  • Contact Us:

    Contact us to receive advice from our team contact us through our email anadventurethroughoureyes@gmail.com Our website also has social media where you can also see our mtivational quotes as well as memes. The social medias we currently have are instagram and twitter. @anadventurethroughoureyes is our handle on them.